How are carbon certificates calculated?

Discover how Regen Insight uses baseline and project scenarios to calculate carbon certificates.

27 mar. 2024

Put simply, our carbon certificates are generated by calculating the difference between 2 carbon footprints compared using analogue climatic conditions:

  • the carbon footprint of a baseline scenario

  • the carbon footprint of a project year

Carbon certificates are generated after each project year. These footprints are expressed in tCO2eq. 1 tonne difference = 1 carbon credit. 

Let’s delve into the intricacies of Regen Insight’s Cropland methodology:

What is included in the carbon footprint calculation?

Our calculation core for carbon footprint generation is based on two separate components: 

  • GHG emissions from farming practices, using the latest IPCC equations, and

  • Soil carbon stock evolution, using the AMG soil model (Clivot et al., 2019).

The combination of both provides the net carbon footprint, which decreases when emissions decrease, soil carbon sequestration increases, or both.

These models require essential data, such as the type and amount of inputs introduced on the farm, the type of cover crops and their biomass, and others. 

Baseline Scenario

The carbon footprint of the baseline scenario is built from the hypothetical emissions and soil carbon storage that would have occurred along successive years without any low-carbon project.

For both footprints to be comparable, this scenario considers:

  • Farming practices of the reference year before any transition occurred

  • Climatic conditions of the project year

Project Years

During the project years, farmers adjust their cropland practices in a way that reduces the farm’s carbon footprint. 

Practices that decrease (direct and indirect) emissions include: 

  • Optimisation of synthetic nitrogen fertilisers

  • Introduction of legumes in the rotation

  • Decrease in fossil fuel consumption

Practices that increase soil carbon sequestration include: 

  • Increase in organic fertilisation

  • Addition of cover crops in the rotation

  • Restitution of crop residues

When farmers improve their farming practices in such a way along several consecutive years, certificates are generated yearly.

To ensure the high quality of our carbon certificates, our methodology’s compliance with the GHG Protocol and the ISO 14 064 norm, two leading carbon accounting standards, was audited and approved. Read more about how we guarantee the quality of our carbon certificates.


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